
The Real War

I've come off the so-called "lost-coast" of northern Humboldt County, oozing poison oak from every pore, to find out we just invaded Canada.

The significance of the United States' raid on Marc Emery and the British Columbia Marijuana Party Headquarters in Vancouver cannot be undertstated.

As noted before,
the "Vansterdam" enclave on Hastings street has had its share of problems, arson just the penultimate in a long line of setbacks.

This time, it's different. The U.S. has basically gone nuclear in its War on Drugs. But that "war"--well, it is not the Real War, either.

Sad as it is, arresting the quintessentially peaceful "Prince of Pot" whose sole goal in life is to legalize the stuff once and for fucking all (and perhaps not coincidentally, make a boatload o' cash in the process) is merely a symptom, an operational definition of The Real War.

The Real War, oh my brothers and only friends, is on each one of us.

Since 9-11, George Bush and his administration have responded to an alleged radical Islamic group that "hates our freedoms" by, paradoxically, taking those freedoms away. I've already waxed hysterical on this topic, so there's no need to belabor the obvious.

The nut is this--the terrorists, whoever they are, have won.

They've WON, goddammit. We torture innocent people and rape children. We have probably tortured some guilty folks too, but we TORTURE. We have an Attorney General who sanctions torture. We have the grandson of one of Hitler's primary financial backers in the white house.

[Sure we do. Never mind the fact that scads of Nazi officers--particularly those well-versed in anti-Soviet espionage--were given the choice to defect to Stalin, who'd just wasted 13 million of his own fucking people fighting that war and could reasonably be expected to show somewhat less mercy to his, um, prisoners--

Or, hey, the U.S. said, come with us, and we'll protect you from Stalin, so long as you have some information we can use against him.

That's correct--the precursor to the CIA was started by Prescott Bush, using former Nazi intelligence ofiiers....]

But I seriously digress, eh? Best head down that plank on another post.

The point is, even if the allegedly paranoid rants of connections of Bush to the Nazi party, the deaths of JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X...supposing it may be easily, laughably dismissed to the tinfoil trash bin of the loonier corners of the internet.

Even so, the bloody--literally bloody--point remains.

We torture.

We rape children.

Whatever differences that may exist between that and the precise definition of Nazism are, I suspect, academic.

And, like the Germans of the day, we are oblivious.

It is time to follow Jefferson's instructions. If you don't know what those instructions are, perhaps you should refer to this. He put it right in the second paragraph...

So I'll head back out to the Lost Coast to leech the poison out of my system, to suck up the fog and mist, avoid bears and elk, and sharpen the blades of my weapons*

Be back soon.

* It's a metaphor, motherfuckers. Look it up if you need to.

1 comment:

Gurn Blanston said...


Good question. There are certainly laws which pertain to battlefield conduct...the Geneva Convention, among others...and I suspect that Depleted Uranium amounts to yet another war crime.

But remeber that the Allies firebombed Dresden and Tokyo, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, and nobody was prosecuted for that...because we won. The Nazis OTOH, those we didn't bring in to the CIA, were prosecuted for war crimes.

The U.S. has removed itself from the international criminal court. Abu Ghraib, DU, and a plethora of things we may never hear about amount to war crimes...and I suspect that is precisely the reason this was done.