If the rumors be true, tomorrow Chief Justice Rehnquist will throw in the towel, and limp off to the woods to die--whereupon he will likeky Go To Directly to Hell, without passing GO, and definitely without collecting $200.
There are many well-known and infinitely discussed reasons why W's appointment of two Supreme Court justices have long-reaching consequences, primarily stemming from the life-long nature of Federal judgeships. They stay on the court as long as they want--or until the other judges or justices can no longer tolerate their encroaching senility or frailty--and kick them out by consensus.
Becker has related that despite the maddening lesser-of-two-evils choices presented by Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton and Kerry (especially Kerry, who would have escalated the war in Iraq and done LBJ proud) in the last several presidential elections, he was compelled to hold his nose and mouth to preclude puking and vote for them all--for the simple reason that they would have the power to appoint judges who affect our lives for multiple generations. Reagan and the Bush father/son team have now appointed over 75% of the curent fed judges. Despite what the hopelessly corrupt mainstream media would have you believe, a whole heckuva lot of Clinton's proposed appointments were filibustered by the Senate.
Now, the idiot-child president gets to appoint two, and a hamstrung, emasculated, ineffective set of Senate Democratic weenies have effectively bartered away the filibuster, by essentially agreeing not to use it.
This alone is bad enough. Bush's choices will be unspeakably bad, whether they include torture-lovin'-but-hey-I'm-Hispanic-so-it's-ok-amigo Alberto Gonzales or not.
Yeah, Bush's nominees will undoubtedly fuck us long and hard, sans lubrication, for decades.
But another, more immediate problem looms.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Rice, and Feith, among others, have certainly committed high crimes and misdemeanors warranting impeachment, removal from office, and prosecution under the U.S.'s own War Crimes Act. The drumbeat has been growing for months--
But now, like the Bombs in London, the battle over the appointments will draw the nation's attention, and we will let those fuckers walk away, heinously wealthy--and we'll still be stuck with a fascist majority on the court.
Of course, I hope I'm wrong, but every previously paranoid notion I had about these criminals has come true.
Please, please let me be wrong.
Peace out.
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