
The Roof

problem has been solved, I think, but as always, in the short term, and this time the roof is mobile.

In other news, Eric Holder and our humble president continue to shield War Criminals, which has a surprising effect--surprising only because it is a well-drafted law, quite crystalline in its clarity, and may be translated as, essentially, IF YOU TORTURE, MOTHERFUCKER, YOU'RE A WAR CRIMINAL, AND IF YOUR VICTIM DIES, YOU DIE, AND SO DOES ANY CUNT WHO TRIES TO GET YOUR BACK, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Here, W., et al would be the "torturin' motherfuckers" referred to in this vernacular version of the statutory language, and "any cunt" would be, well, Eric Holder and Barak Obama, among others.

WTF else can be said? 'Cept bring them down. All of them. Now.
Internet access will be limited soon. Will post again, though I know at this point it's just screaming into the void...

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