continues. I held a sign for three hours today, at this corner.
The vast majority of drivers honked, waved, raised a fist or flashed a peace sign. A pretty woman in a black truck dropped off a tureen of soup and hugged the sign holders before the light changed. She pulled away, closing the door behind her and blowing kisses. One of her bumper stickers read: Should You Trust the Government? Ask a Native American.
There was the occasional stony faced driver, staring straight ahead, afraid to look, of what they might see, and of course a few middle fingers flying high, and one loon who kept circling 'round and calling us "Obama's useful idiots."
Then, out of nowhere, Terry Sherven plugged in a guitar and sang Can You Hear? (video from YouTube as I can't get blogger to upload the video I shot on the street in Quicktime):
He's hitting Western state Occupy movements, and the tune could well become a rallying cry.
If you haven't dropped in on your local gathering, I encourage you to do so. If you can't stay long (most of the occupiers are the long term un-and-under-employed like me) then stay just a little while, bring some cookies, tarps, medical supplies--you get the picture.
We're staying out there. We'll eventually get busted, but we--and occupiers across the world--will keep coming back, in ever increasing waves, until the corporations and their servile politicians are swept out to the Fukushima sea...