
The FDIC is Bankrupt

and Bank of America did it, all by itself, by dumping that $75 Trillion of toxic derivatives on them.

For an in-depth analysis you won't find elsewhere, here's Catherine Austin Fitts, a reformed Bush I bureaucrat in a position to know.  She also discusses how student loans are designed to create defaults to maximize profits.

This awesome power--to lay a debt on us orders of magnitude greater than anything seen in the history of the planet--suffices, all by itself, to hit the streets, never mind torture, illegal wars, fascism that is no longer creeping but sprinting, illegal foreclosures, unemployment, record poverty and homelessness and soldier death-by-suicide...  

More, soon, after the literal and metaphorical fog burns off here in the Willamette Valley...


1 comment:

ctp515 said...

I liked the Catherine Austin Fitts podcasts. Thanks for introducing me to her.