
The Eugene City Manager

has proposed to bring a motion to the council that will permit the occupation to camp at Alton Baker Park until a permanent site is selected.

This is probably the best of all possible worlds.  I only hope the new site is in-your-face visible like the site we just left.

But in the meantime, the movement is experiencing strife from within, as street people, the merely poor, and the relatively-well-fed-and-housed supporters in the community try to figure out how to present a unified front. 

The homeless Occupy members have pointed out that for most of them, their lives have been tough for generations, and they feel little in common with the recently fallen middle class. They are glad to see us and for our support, but it is they who must sleep outside regardless, while many of the daytime occupiers return to homes.

With the recent move and a critical city council meeting tonight, marches and protesting have virtually stopped.  I hope the city and the movement can agree on a highly visible permanent location after the meeting tonight.

From what I heard today at the camp, so do they.

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