
Squealing Swine


That didn't take long.

Not even a month into the OWS protest, politicians smell blood in the water--

But this time, it's their OWN--

Most self-designated nominally progressive groups in the U.S. are no more committed to the true change needed--the utter dismantling of corporate power and a massive redistribution of wealth, both in the form of control of natural resources essential to sustain all life AND THE MONEY SUPPLY--than they are to, say, slowly pulling out their own eyes.

That is, when politicians are attempting to co-opt a movement, you can be certain they're worried.

Right now, they appear to only fear for their pensions, their salaries, the boatloads of campaign cash and a plethora of perks, and of course, mistresses and boytoys that won't be putting out after the sugar stops flowing--

But they also sense the possibility the system itself could be brought down, which causes them to fear the mob in the night.

Sure they do.

Their greed knows no bounds, and they provably, tangibly behave in a manner that can't but destroy us.

They have polluted our lands, our waters, our air, and our very bodies. They've polluted our souls.

Enough. It is time.

Join in, any way you can, and Take It Back. It has always been ours. It will always be ours--

Unless we fail to act.

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