
Not a Single Cop

has been injured by a protestor.  But they sure tee off on us.

Oakland cops hit a marine in the head with a tear gas grenade:

Legal Observer gets run over: then clubbed and arrested (I apologize for including Olbermann's talking head, but the clip provides both the cops' and the LO's story):

In a way, I welcome the police violence.  Who was it that said we expose the fascist state by making them act like one?

A free society would at least tolerate the current protests, and probably lustily join in.  In many places, they have--like Albany,  where cops told Governor Cuomo to suck it when he issued an arrest order for the local Occupy camp.  In Chicago, despite 1968 (or perhaps because of it), 175 Occupiers were arrested, one at a time.

We shall see.  While the Eugene Police and the city government is ostensibly supportive, I was a lawyer for the original robber-barons for 10 years, and for city and county governments for three years after that.  I know how these swine think, and I guarantee they had a serious talk with their lawyers on how best to limit exposure to lawsuits--and bad PR.

I'll detail it tonight, but I promise that the city's actions are completely congruent with a campaign to shut the protest down by 2012 and be left largely unscathed by the flurry of lawsuits to follow.

The thumbnail:  if we applied conspiracy laws to attorneys and governments, we'd have to free all the pot smokers to warehouse them all.

More on that, soon.

In the meantime, look how well the Greeks tolerate cops trying to shut down their voices:

Given the overwhelmingly peaceful protests here, why, exactly are U.S. cops cracking heads?

Don't they see how their violence only results in more unrest?

Of course they do.  The Constitution is already gone.

The facade will soon be removed, and folks will finally wake up to find a boot grinding their face forever...

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