
A Faction

of Occupy Eugene has decided to occupy the University of Oregon campus.  The UO, after meeting for several hours with the lawyer representing the occupation, announced that after 11 p.m., anyone occupying the quad would be arrested.  About 90 seconds later, the students announced that they would be getting arrested.

My UO peeps assure me that this is no empty threat, like that from the City Manager on Friday.  And this is strange: after receiving about 60 emails a day in a more or less steady stream, I have received nothing since the campus protest started. 

In any event, they're not buying the public forum argument, or if they do, they figure they've got the cash and legal muscle to do what they wish.

Well, we are beyond debating the wisdom of this move.  They are young--and fearless--and they need our support.

More in the morning with pics and video--including why I think the city has laid a bit of a trap, but I'm napping before going out again. 

This is not a drill.


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