

It's not even 8 p.m. on the west coast, and I'm knackered.

I wanted to make a meeting at 4 for the action committee and another at 5:30 for legal, but I had several "facilitations"--which is occupy-speak for mediated dispute resolutions, not because I'm a mediator, but because I happened to be in the vicinity at the camp.  In any event, they are emotionally taxing.

There is a faction that wants to occupy the campus, a move almost certain to rankle some locals,  especially after the city "gave" us Alton Baker Park just five days ago.  This, and the strain the move has put on things in general is showing already.

Without community support, we'll die a slow death, but if we go  SACPOP too soon, they'll go all Oakland on us.

The Oakland incident, where the cops take someone out by shooting point blank with a tear gas grenade, is an old trick.  Ask Ruben Salazar.

I really hope the hint of despair I feel tonight has something to do with the bowls of Lucky Charms I ate. 

Think I'll get off sugar and do something healthier, like smack.

Hopefully some cohesion will emerge tomorrow.


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