
Funny how

while the MSM is nattering on about "getting" Libya's Qadaffi, Bank of America shoved another $75 Trillion in toxic debt (or 75 thousand billion, or 75 million millions) down the taxpayers' throat.

Notice how that's many times the amount they claim they need to fund the entire fucking government for a year.

The mainstream media simply sucks ass.  It serves only to misinform and divide us.

I've been approached a few times at the protest by TV or print journalists, and when they ask me questions, I tell them that a free press was guaranteed because an informed voting populace is a requirement for a functioning republic.  I tell them the media, including your paper/station, is owned by a corporation that cannot understand that the movement no longer considers them relevant, and indeed considers them an imminent threat and active participant in the subjugation and degradation of billions of human beings.  I tell them that unless they quote that part first, they can't quote anything I say.

They never do.

In any event, I thought I'd point out some particularly powerful, informative pieces on the root causes of the Occupation.  You know, stuff the MSM just completely ignores/obscures.

For more on the banks--and one of the best group of writers on the net--read Washington's Blog. Start here.

The following bits emanate from some of the clearest minds around on How We Got Here.  Except for the last two, they're a bit long, so settle back with a joint or some wine (or both, you'll need it)--or some killer hard cider like we made this year, and enjoy.

Naomi Wolf breaks down our descent into corporate fascism:

Chris Hedges on the Death of the Liberal Class:

Glen Greenwald on Obama's unbroken continuation and acceleration of the worst of Bush's civil rights  policies:

Noam Chomsky on the previously mentioned corporate usurpation of government:

And The Master summary:

That's a lot of information, sure, but I know few of you have the time to find these things.


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